Issues after Exporting Video / Audio
Audio drifts out of sync in Zoom or PowerPoint Recordings

When I render a Zoom or PowerPoint recording in TimeBolt the audio drifts out of sync.

The problem is the recording is a Variable Frame Rate file vs Constant Frame Rate.

For Zoom Recordings

Go to Zoom preferences, click ‘Enable 3rd Party Editor’ option in Zoom settings. For your next video this will record as constant frame rate, and fix any issues you’re having now in TimeBolt.

You can also fix this by using the Variable Frame Rate Detector built inside TimeBolt.

For PowerPoint Recordings

The problem is the recording is natively saved in PowerPoint as a Variable Frame Rate file (not Constant Frame Rate).

The next time you present and record a PowerPoint, use TimeBolt’s Capture tool. You can find in the blue Camera circle icon on the left side of the TimeBolt UI.

Fix Your File

To fix your existing file, we recommend re-encoding with TimeBolt's Re-encoder found in the menubar under Tools > Re-encoder.

It’s a lot easier just to fix the issue, and adjust how you record for the next video.

Go To Issues with VFR Files