Feature Guide
Variable Frame Rate Detector

Variable Frame Rate Detector

Does your audio and video drift out of sync the exporting in TimeBolt, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro (FCPX), or Davinci Resolve? Does your video freeze when previewing, or get stuck on rendering in an infinite loop?

90% chance the issue is your video being recorded as a Variable Frame Rate file.

See Issues with Variable Frame Rate Files

With TimeBolt's Variable Frame Rate Detector, you can easily detect and fix these files.

How to use Variable Frame Rate Detector

  1. Open Variable Frame Rate Detector from within the menubar under Tools > Variable Frame Rate Detector.
  2. Select the video file you'd like to analyze.
  3. Once analysis is over, you'll see the results.

If the file is Variable Frame Rate file, the Detector will give you an option to re-encode and convert the file to Constant Frame Rate.