Download and Install

How to Download and Install TimeBolt

TimeBolt is a desktop application that will be installed on your Mac or Windows computer.

Free Version

You can download and use TimeBolt for free without entering a license key, the caveat being that you can only export videos with a watermark.

To use the 'Free' version of TimeBolt, please go to the TimeBolt Pricing (opens in a new tab) page and register for the 'Free' version to get the download link.

A corresponding email will be sent to you, giving you access to our community.

You can also download TimeBolt from within the community (opens in a new tab) as well.

TimeBolt will update automatically as new versions are released. See Update Log (opens in a new tab) here.

Full Version

The free version can be activated to the full version by entering the purchase email and the corresponding valid license key on the first page you get after opening TimeBolt.

This is the same page that opens up after clicking "I have a license key!" from within the TimeBolt UI.

To buy a license key, you can go to the TimeBolt Pricing (opens in a new tab) page and select the Paid option to complete the purchase.