Feature Guide


How do I remove filler words and phrases?

TimeBolt utilizes on-demand transcription services to transcribe the audio in the cloud, and return a cut list as a json to look for filler words (like, um, ah, so) and specific phrases.

The cost for Umcheck is $0.50 for every ten minutes of video processed. The minimum order size is $.50.

The type of transcriptions required for Umcheck are time coded by words in milliseconds, not by sentences, so the precise cuts work, and which cost money. When the type of transcriptions we need to run Umcheck become free the plan is make Umcheck free. But it's not free now. And please do not buy TimeBolt expecting Umcheck will be free.


Umcheck icon → Start Audio Transcription

Pay the transcription fee. A new browser tab opens after the audio is uploaded, the cost per minute is shown,. Click proceed to pay, enter details, click pay.

After payment, allow two minutes for every ten minutes of video for Umcheck to run. Go for a walk, when you come back, and look at TimeBolt, you will see the transcript and filler words to be removed. You don't have to do anything, just let it populate. Do not stop the process. Just make sure you paid. An email with a link to the transcription is also sent.

Umcheck comes pre-populated with common filler words and phrases. To add your own simply type and separate by commas. Or click any word in the transcript.

Click 'Apply Timeline Cuts' to auto remove in TimeBolt